Saturday, March 19, 2011

Red Wine Change The Color Of Stool

Amber and Francis: a lesson in love and style of the neckline

It 's a beautiful story with a happy ending that proposed by the gossip magazine "Chi" that between Ambra Angiolini , companion of the singer Francesco Renga which has two children, and the actor Pier Giorgio Bellocchio, together which reads in "Fists in the Pocket", there would be tender.

Chi has also published the picture of what could be a passionate kiss on the lips but also nothing more than just a friendly kiss on the cheek between Amber and Bellocchio.

But "Who", in addition to publishing the photos, also tells a behind the scenes, revealing that Amber, as she learned of the photos in advance of the magazine, had telephoned the Director della rivista "letteralmente disperata" dicendo che se le avesse fatto il favore di non pubblicarle, in modo che non potessero recare danno alla sua famiglia, era "disposta a fare qualsiasi cosa" in cambio. Ma il direttore, Alfonso Signorini, è stato inflessibile: "un servizio acquistato è un servizio pubblicato".

Mi piace il gossip (e bè, dal blog lo avrete capito ...) ma mi piace quando è gioioso, quando celebra la bellezza femminile e magari la simpatica disinvoltura della protagonista della notizia "piccante". Non mi piace un gossip come questo che colpisce i sentimenti. Ma soprattutto trovo volgarissimo che la rivista abbia pubblicato le telefonate di supplica di Ambra, addirittura sottolineando sadicamente che era desperate and had implored the help of the director saying, "I fucked up. Help me!" So, not only the damage (the publication of the photos) but also the mockery (making public begged them not to do so). But Amber

should truly feel humiliated by the publication of his petitions? I say no: If you are "down" to beg Signorini was to protect people with ties to her care. I've had a crush or not, its call "desperate" (as in "Who" likes to point out) demonstrates that feels much those ties.

And this must have understood the companion of Ambra. At a concert in Brescia, but there was no Amber Francesco Renga, as the gossip of "Chi" could bring to misleading interpretations of his absence, he explained immediately: "Amber is not there, because it is not good. Even though this morning some jackal tried to destroy our history, I dedicate Stay with me." Bravo Francis! A nice lesson in style to the director of "Who"!


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